Grief Counseling in New York

Grief Counseling in New York

Every grief has its own story.

In more than 20 years of working with survivors of trauma and loss, I have seen that every individual experience of loss is unique.

Some situations can lead to disenfranchised grief, which is a loss made more difficult when it’s not recognized or understood by society.

My approach as a grief therapist starts from an integrative framework, tailored to your specific needs. I will draw from my background in different therapeutic approaches based on which ones are the best fit for your circumstances and current struggles.

We may incorporate elements of body awareness and nervous system integration, based on my training in somatic approaches to healing from trauma.

“Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.”

-C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

A guide for the difficult journey of grief

Loss is life-changing and often overwhelming.

Two empty chairs representing the loss and grief

It’s very common to feel frightened about the enormity of grief, or to feel hopeless in the face of all that you’ve lost. Sometimes it can feel like grief is forever, as if you’ll always be triggered at random moments or stuck in repetitive thoughts about what happened.

You may be pulled in two directions — wanting to seek help with what you’re going through, but also feeling reluctant to open the floodgates.

As a therapist specializing in traumatic loss, my role can include:

  • Providing a compassionate witness for your particular grief experience, trusting that your emotions, thoughts, and sensations will be fully heard and validated.
  • Offering concrete tools and somatic-focused interventions to help you cope with the ripple effects of loss in multiple parts of your daily life.
  • Assisting you in making meaning of your life now.

Within the safe space of the therapy relationship, even the most painful and complex loss can be understood and transformed.

I want you to know that this is indeed possible, and there is a future for you where you can feel more engaged in life and have more meaningful connections.

In the process of getting to that place, you deserve to have support from a trained professional who can sit with you in your pain and discomfort, without shying away from difficult stories.

It is my belief and hope that no matter what has happened to us in our lives, we all have the potential to change and grow as we choose.

I can help you work through the pain of loss and integrate this experience into the life you are ready to create for yourself.

“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.”

-Helen Keller

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